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Thursday, January 26, 2017

Eight Billionaires Own More Than 3.6 Billion Poorest People?

Well, it's out there. The data has been collected and analyzed, and it turns out it is apparently True (yes, with a capital "T") that just eight (8) of the world's wealthiest people actually have more collective worth than three billion, six hundred million of the poorest people on the planet. This means that the 3.6 Billion poorest people own the equivalent of less than $120 each. 

That's right...
$426B / 3.6B = $118.33 
per person.
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 I hardly know what else to say. I can't begin to try understanding it all, because it goes against so much of what I (personally) hold as 'near and dear', regarding things like "haves and have nots", and how skewed things seem to be these days.

So, is this "fair"? Is this "equitable"? Are our economic systems and governing rules somehow that far out of touch with real world issues and problems, to allow things to become so 'broken', where so many are (seemingly) 'ignored' and are given few "breaks", while so few are (seemingly) 'pampered' and are given more "breaks" than the 'little-people'?

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