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Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Fake News? What About Fake Everything?

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Well, we've been hearing a lot lately about "fake news", haven't we? I mean, Facebook™ and other big-influence entities have sworn to fight fake news, to the point they are (seemingly) willing to work at banning it altogether, thereby also giving up any ad-revenues those things might draw in.

I am certainly in favor of getting rid of what I perceive as "fake news"; those sidebar ads that have those "shocking" headlines designed to draw in "clickers", which, of course, pays ad-revenue. 

Somehow, it seems a lot like "sucker-bait"; ok, I guess I must be a 'sucker', right? Me, and a whole lot of other folks.

But, there's much more to this whole idea of "fakeness", in my (humble) opinion. I think we're living in a time (and culture/society) in which we've become so wrapped up in "fakeness" in so many venues and on so many levels...that we're spinning out of control, y'know?