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President Trump's First Speech To Congress - How GREAT Was It?

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If you are still 'with me', here's more of my 'highlights' of President Trump's first speech to Congress, where I'm trying to focus on things that I believe might help to make our country great again.

To review my previously posted 'highlights' 
of his speech, click here: 
Page Two

Here we go - President Trump:
  • Wants to start the 'engine' of the American economy.
    • OK, this truly sounds great. And, it might just be that President Trump's vision for doing that will result in great things for America and even for the world...if he can pull it off. The American economy, as we know, has suffered much more than simple economic stresses and strains. It has suffered some things in far more 'insidious' and as-yet 'mysterious' ways. Dunno if any of Mr. Trump's vision includes uncovering and dealing with some of the blatantly flawed practices of some 'trusted entities', but (IMhO) if he does, that will be great.
  •    Wants to level the playing field for American Companies.
    • Mr. Trump's intentions for keeping jobs in America include some pretty aggressive measures, such as 'surcharges' on goods produced (and imported back for higher profit sales) by American Companies who have moved outside America. He wants American Companies to stay, to produce jobs, to produce goods and services for America and for the world. To me, that sounds great. I just hope he can do it, and keep everything else in balance too.
  •  Refused an offer to ride a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
    • OK, so this one's a bit different. It's not really a 'highlight' for things being made great by Mr. Trump and his vision, but it bolstered a positive influence toward his 'America First' philosophy, given that H-D is one of America's hallmark companies. That's great enough for me.
  • Wants to bring back millions of jobs.
    • Great! What else can I say? We know we need jobs, so how can it be a bad thing, right? I'm sure it will not be easy, and likely will meet with much resistance, but we need jobs...let's bring them back if we can.
  • Wants to spend trillions of dollars on America's infrastructure.
    • Trillions? That's a lot of moolah! In fact, I've written about it here. But, what a great way to spend money; and heaven knows we need infrastructure improvements and repairs. Go for it, I say!
  •  Wants to encourage "Buy American - Hire American" thinking.
    • I surely cannot knock this, though I also cannot say I'm very 'religious' about always buying American-made products, mostly because of the vast difference in cost. If Mr. Trump can fix the American economy and all the other things that play roles in these things so prices of products are affordable and reasonable for all will be great.
  •   Wants to repeal or replace ObamaCare and lower cost of health care.
    • Here's another one that I'm not real clear about, since I have never delved deeply into what ObamaCare is, or who it helps, or how it affects health care overall, or other things that influence such things. But, I know America is spending way more than we should be spending on health least it certainly appears that way. According to, we spent about $3.2Trillion in 2015. That's about $10K per person. Is America really that sickly? Somehow, I don't think so, but it's a very big 'fish-to-fry', and if President Trump can get to the bottom of it all, how great that will be!
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So...I guess that's about it, for now. President Trump also spent considerable time in honoring several individuals, including Ryan Owens, the Navy Seal killed during an American ground mission in Yemen. He extended his hand-clapping for a lengthy period, while the audience (which included Owens' widow) followed suit. It was touching, moving, and really pretty great, actually, as were all his segments for honoring those who have served and/or lost their lives.

He even quoted Jesus' words that say:
"Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends". (John 15:13 NIV).
It is that kind of compassionate and caring thinking and behavior that will help President Trump in his endeavors to make our country great again, and I, for one, am rather pleased to see it. I truly hope it continues, y'know?


Just sayin'...

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