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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ratz! I Was Hoping Donald Trump Would Not Stoop To "Politics-As-Usual" Tactics!

Gee...I think I am sadly disappointed that Donald Trump has begun to show signs that he, too, is stooping to the same low practices that politicians have been using for decades to try to sling mud and dirt at the rest of the 'running flock' of candidates.

The campaign strategists probably know there's no way to avoid this kind of practice, since it has been in use for so long, and the rest of the campaign community uses it quite freely.

But I was really hoping The Donald might have enough positivity and forward-thinking political strategy that he would not have to ever stoop to these ugly practices, that, in my (humble) opinion, only serve to demonstrate just how 'childish' and foolish that some of our so-called "leaders" can really be, when they want something strongly enough, y'know?

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