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How To Speak "Cachilote" Language

The Cachilote language is one that uses English sounding words but in a unique way. 

I can remember my sister and her boyfriend carrying on a discussion using Cachilote. 

It would sound something like this: 

"Hack-e-lul-lul-o! Hack-o-wack a-rud-e yack-o-u?" 
"O-hack, I-mum jack-u-sus-tut fuf-i-nun-e tut-hack-a-nun-kuk yack-o-u!" 
"Wack-hack-a-tut dud-o yack-o-u wack-a-nun-tut tut-o dud-o tut-o-dud-a-yack?"
"Lul-e-tut-sus gug-o tut-o tut-hack-e bub-e-a-cuc-hack; i-tut-sus vuv-e-rud-yack nun-i-cuc-e o-u-tut tut-o-dud-a-yack."
"O-kuk! Lul-e-tut-sus gug-o!"

By now I'm sure you're probably laughing at the crude sound of the Cachilote Language, especially if you were able to read it fairly fast, and most especially if you read it out loud

It always sounds better when spoken fast and loud. It is also less decipherable that way too.


Deciphering it all:

Maybe you figured it out already. It isn't really as mysterious as I once thought; before my sister and her boyfriend finally told us, just before they got married and decided they wouldn't need to use it anymore in our presence.

Cachilote is really quite simple when you come right down to it. It uses the English alphabet, and each word is spelled out instead of spoken as a word; but there's a catch! 

The "spelling out" of each word is done with "Cachilote words". That is, each letter in Cachilote has a completely unique sound from anything we would associate with the English alphabet.

For example:

All vowels are spoken just as they are in English (spoken with "long" vowel sounds). 

Consonants are spoken using the consonant letter, followed by a "u", followed by the consonant letter again.

So, the letter "B" would be spoken "bub", "C" would be "cuc" (long "u", since "K", or "kuk", which uses a short "u" could be confused with it). 

Most consonants are handled similarly, except a handful that might be a bit awkward using the "u" in the middle. 

Thus, "H" becomes "hack", "J" becomes "jack", "R" becomes "rud", "W" becomes "wack", "X" becomes "xack", "Y" becomes "yack", and "Z" becomes "zud". 

There may also be some other subtle variations in these, depending upon individual preferences. 

For example, some folks may prefer to use "zack" for "Z" instead of "zud", etc. 

That's ok, since Cachilote doesn't seem to have any textbooks published on it anyway!

Using Cachilote to carry on secret conversations requires practice!
Of course, as with any language learning, practice equals fluency. If you can get past the laughter when you practice, you will be able to carry on a conversation that folks nearby will not understand; unless, of course, they have read this article, and now know Cachilote Language too!

Practicing Cachilote aloud may cause uncontrollable laughter and giddiness. 

Practice only in well ventilated areas.

Speaking Cachilote in public places could be construed as offensive by some who do not understand the words are merely letters in disguise and not (necessarily) swears, profanities, or other such stuff (well, maybe it is at times, but...).

Just sayin'...


"Jack-u-sus-tut sus-a-yack-i-nun'..."

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