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Saturday, June 27, 2015

Haters: Who Are They/We?

South Carolina's Governor and lots of others have declared certain flags to be symbols of hatred and other negative sentiments, past sins, atrocities, and similar historical 'foibles' we Americans have experienced.

The move to eradicate the so-called 'battle flag' of the Confederacy is still growing, and some companies have even pulled video games that show it in some of the graphic scenes, etc.

But is all of this destruction of symbols actually accomplishing anything in the 'big picture'? Are we finally starting to think hatred and similar attributes are not appropriate or acceptable in a civilized, intelligent society and culture which professes and preaches goodness and benevolence and kindness and peace?

 Get this graphic on T-shirts, mugs, and more, at my Zazzle store!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Is it nearly enough to simply remove just one symbol of hatred in America?

Nine lives taken by one young man with apparent personal issues with certain kinds of individuals. South Carolina and the nation (the world?) attempt to soften the pain by promising to remove the Confederate Flag from some state buildings; Walmart™ and other merchants are taking it from their store shelves; and many people are following their leads in an effort to help America begin to change some of its sentiments toward hatred.

But does removing the flag actually DO anything? Does such a move really MEAN anything? Will people really learn how NOT TO HATE, simply by taking away one reminder of it?

 Get this graphic on T-shirts, mugs and more, at my Zazzle store!